Friday 5 September 2014


Pictures of us taken on the beach


This day we walked along the beach pretending to be what we use to be
Young, wild and care free
When you held my hand as if you were holding on to dear  life
The dreams we had of being husband and wife
The Love we shared, we thought could never grow anymore
With  our souls as one, shielded from the world and its war

When the stars in the sky were the only witness to our secret rondevue
our lust consumed our inner being and this feelings of bliss felt forever new
Are we still those young lovers dancing in the moonlight?
Married 6 years, 2 little ones, those dreams came true but not overnight

Life is hard and we did not expect it to be this difficult
We now live in confined reality to nurture without hurt or guilt
But our love has grown to the extent that out of its glory  two beautiful souls were born
Our souls multiplied by two and our love has torn
Torn into many pieces of love which sustains our little family
This journey has left scars which tells a tale of love and grief but we go on Happily

And as this day we walked along the beach pretending to be what we use to be
We pretend no more for our hearts has placed us exactly where we ought to be