Friday 5 September 2014


Pictures of us taken on the beach


This day we walked along the beach pretending to be what we use to be
Young, wild and care free
When you held my hand as if you were holding on to dear  life
The dreams we had of being husband and wife
The Love we shared, we thought could never grow anymore
With  our souls as one, shielded from the world and its war

When the stars in the sky were the only witness to our secret rondevue
our lust consumed our inner being and this feelings of bliss felt forever new
Are we still those young lovers dancing in the moonlight?
Married 6 years, 2 little ones, those dreams came true but not overnight

Life is hard and we did not expect it to be this difficult
We now live in confined reality to nurture without hurt or guilt
But our love has grown to the extent that out of its glory  two beautiful souls were born
Our souls multiplied by two and our love has torn
Torn into many pieces of love which sustains our little family
This journey has left scars which tells a tale of love and grief but we go on Happily

And as this day we walked along the beach pretending to be what we use to be
We pretend no more for our hearts has placed us exactly where we ought to be

Wednesday 6 August 2014


Yes perhaps what I think and feel is different to you
Perhaps I feel fantasy can be joined with reality too
I don’t slander you for whatever you choose to do, say and more importantly feel
I do not judge nor convict you, your life belongs to you and you know it’s real

The words I write is not to be judge or to be mocked
If you do not wish to know all you do is allow your mind to be blocked
My words are like a silent voice making itself heard
I do not hold back,  happiness, joy, sadness, I’ve let go the things I feared

So you are welcome to embrace my words or let them go
I don’t mind because you will stay a friend never a foe
I think sometimes we grow up and forget that life can be an assortment of dreams
I believe that there is beauty in everything, just believe, because it’s never as bad as it seems

So I do not feel the slightest regret for a passion newly found
I cannot erase what was already put down or retract any feeling unbound
my one concern, do not read my words and formulate the untrue
in life it is impossible for EVERYONE to accept what you do or who you are, can’t you see?
We are far from what we once were but not yet what we are going to be

Wednesday 30 July 2014


Just a little about myself

I’m 28 years old, I work full time and study Law part time, I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and have married my soul mate
I have to admit it’s hard studying and there are so many times I want to give up, I hardly have time for anything and twice a year I go into panic mode because of exams
I always seem to make it through though, I guess I always think of the bigger picture and don’t take into account any negativity.

I’ve started this blog as a release, I think  my soul might be a traveling gypsy when I’m asleep. I wake up with all these crazy thoughts and emotions, I cannot explain, hence my blog.
I sometimes feel an explosions of happiness and then sometimes just a drag. I’m a hopeless romantic and look at life with a dreamy sense of imagination.
I’m not a conventional mother and wife, I don’t think I know who I am yet but that’s ok because I get to learn each day who I want to be.
I consider myself and introvert but most say that’s impossible and they might be right but I blame it on my soul and mind disagreeing with each other.

I love learning about new and different people, so please feel free to join my blog.

Xxxx Z

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Dear Brave Mama

To the Brave Mamma and dear Soul

My heart sinks in, overwhelmed by sadness
Switching on the news is like attending another’s funeral
The sun’s not yet up, darkness everywhere
 I sit and listen in despair

I hear of a little soul, barely 4 years on earth but returned to heaven
In a tragedy caused with intention, how can a human be so cruel I wonder
A tear falls down my cheek, rage inside my heart like thunder
The brave mama a victim but talks about forgiveness and thanks for knowing her son
Even if only for few years, a gift which brought a family to unite as one

I am the keeper of an almost 4 year old little soul
I grieve as if it’s my own little one who has perished in my very hands
I pray that the perpetrator feels the FEELING of a mother losing a child
That pain is greater than death, even death as a punishment is mild

I wish you dear mamma, peace, understanding and strength to carry on
For in this battle of good and evil he has won,
For your little one is in a greater place, in heaven smiling down on you
He’s with the angels dancing amongst the clouds patiently waiting for you

In memory of Taegrin Morris

Tuesday 22 July 2014


I write for you to find me, find the inner parts of my life you cannot see
I write for no matter where in the world you are I’m there where you need me to be
I write so that deep down you can relate and no longer feel alone &  afraid
I write because I know if I don’t, it will be like a candle losing its flame in the night parade

I write to you from winter to summer & autumn to spring
I write to you through the tears you cry to the songs you’ll sing
I write because deep down inside, I need to validate my uncontrollable emotions
I write because one day looking back,  like reading a book , asking, were these really my notions

I write because I want my legacy to read into the hearts of their mama
I write so that when I’m no longer amongst the earth, I will leave a piece of my heart to my soul mate
I write for when autumn comes , I will fall to the ground like an autumn leave’s fate
I write for when its spring, the leaves are reborn and tell a tale of what once was
I write for you to read to me when I’m looking down upon you from the stars

Monday 21 July 2014


Undone ,

The cold seeps in and the ground pricks with reality
I try and think but clouds cover my sanity
Why did I, what was my mind unoccupied with to mislead lead me this way
My light within has gone , my lips stitched from anything I want to say

I cannot breath I’m smothering beneath my own conscious
Inner being battling against each other
At war with the heart, while the actions lie not unconscious
It has been done, it has been felt, I has left a tainted scar like no other

Someone whispers, “don’t beat yourself up, this world is unkind
I scream from within “the World might be unkind but we need not be its heir”
We need not play a role in the transgressions of life’s blind
We are us, what we do matters, we will never act without a care

What makes us human, is to feel wrongs and regret
And to regret is to feel the wrong we have done
Your choice whether it right or wrong is a choice we live with and cannot forget
Choose wisely & wholeheartedly as what has been done can never be undone



Open field, yellow with wheat,
Skies are grey without deceit
The cold icy air against my pale face
The wind between my hair makes my heart race

The dark skies cast shadows upon the ground
I await in still for heavy rains to pour down
The sound of  swirling air makes me dance
Nothing, nowhere, no one but me
This is exactly what my body feels when its free

Every second, minute, hour, contented with nothing but the earths rebirth
The soft velvet feel of the air wrapping around me
Makes my heart pound of calmness and self-worth
This is exactly what my heart feels when it’s free

Of all the seasons of this earth, winter is my soul’s birth place
I collide in spirit with rain, lighting and thunder
I confide it brings mystery & romance which causes my soul to wonder
Then the rain comes with depth to wash away that which we cannot see
This is exactly what the soul feels when its free

P.S please feel free to join my blog for more of my scribbles of my soul, I would love to  know that there are people who relate
Xxx Z.